Size matters
I recently caught the rerun of the first episode of Airline. I realize the airline employees put up with a lot of garbage with a lot of tact. More than I would in most circumstances.
But I really question Southwest's P.O.S. policy. I will admit I am biased. I have a weight problem, a serious one although I could pass the seatbelt test. I resent them telling this poor passenger who had already had a tough day that he has to buy an extra seat for "his" comfort.
I've flown quite a bit. I've sat next to screaming babies, in front of seat kickers, behind snorers and in the vicinity of people who don't know when to let go of the perfume bottle's button. These are just something a frequent flier must deal with -- especially when on Southwest's cattle car. Cheap doesn't lead to comfort.
I don't see them calling out the management for a S.B., a S.K., a S.P. or a P.P. Would I blame an infant for crying and make the parent buy a seat far from me? No.
But not only do they ask the overweight man to buy an extra seat, they try to convince him it benefits him. The man gets his car stolen that morning, put on standby and then gets to pay for an extra seat. Wow, his day was very beneficial.
By the way, I'm not crazy about the P.O.S. moniker either.
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