Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One of those days

It's been on of those days where inspiration has been fleeting. I think my creative battery needs a recharge. I struggled during work to come up with two pages that I didn't hate. Finished products just made me think, "meh."

Monday, January 3, 2011

It made me smile

Last night, my husband was watching a show about Diane Sawyer while I was at work. He sent me a text message that said I was like her and should have been a reporter. It was sweet and made me smile that he could see me in that light. I don't really see many similarities, but when I graduated all I wanted to be was writer. I envisioned a career as a political reporter or a nature journalist, traveling to wherever the story took me. Sometimes life doesn't work out the way you plan. Sometimes I regret not following that path, but then I remember all the things I wouldn't have in my life if I had spent it jet-setting around the globe. Everything happens for a reason.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I've mentioned my affinity for odd numbers before, so it's probably no surprise that I am hopeful about 2011. During 2010, I spent a lot of time reacting and worry to situations that I have little to no control over. This year is going to be the year of focusing on what I can control. I can do better things for my health. I can make changes to my job skills and my work status. I can put effort into getting my finances in order. I can clean up and clear out clutter to give us some breathing room. I can avoid toxic situations with grace and love. I've deliberately avoided "resolutions" because I am great at making lists and not so great at crossing them off. I am just going to make this year one that is dedicated to making things better and find a little peace and happiness. Small steps are the way to make it in the long run.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Her royal lowness

The basset hound came into our lives seven years ago - a cute puppy that captured my heart with an online picture. I had recently lost my rottie that was the great dog in so many ways. Let's just say the hound was different. The rottweiler was house trained in less than a week. The hound not so much. It's something we are still working on. The rottie could spend the day in the house and not touch a thing she wasn't supposed to; the hound leaves a path of destruction in her wake. The rottie loved to ride in the car while the hound is confused by the whole process. They couldn't have been more different. I spent a lot of time comparing them. The hound had a recent health scare and it reminded me of something. I would miss her funny ways. I need to love her for who she is and not hold it against her for who she's not. I think I should apply that to people, as well.